Week of August 27


Father Andre told us how much the people of Robillard, Haiti look forward to our mission team of nurses and doctors who come to serve them each year. Our arrival is one of great hope that God promises all his children. They see our smiles, soft words and gentle touches come from the Holy Spirit through "les Américains". Right now, our Medical Mission team leader Gloria Kane is looking for people interested in helping with in the Rose Merci Clinic. Medical education is not necessary because we need helpers, too. If you are interested in going, please respond NOW! The St Rose Medical Mission has been set for January 25 to February 1, 2018.

Gloria will send the info sheet for immunizations that are needed and other information to you. A Passport is necessary. We fly American Airlines from Nashville to Miami to Cap-Haitian, Haiti (all one ticket). We will have a couple of orientation meetings over the next two months. We want the whole team to be organized and well-informed before the start of Advent.

As a preview of our week in Haiti, here is a thumbnail schedule. Upon arrival about noon on Thursday, we meet the staff of the Rose-Merci Clinic and Birthing Center. Then we get acclimated to our rooms, the surroundings, the village. Breakfast starts the day at 7:00. Clinic is held from 8-4 with a break for lunch. We will have clinic on Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and 1/2 day on Saturday. Daylight fades around 6:00. Sunday begins with a celebration in church with the parishioners of Notre Dame de la Merci. The better part of the day is for rest and relaxation! Both Thursdays are travel days.

Is the Holy Spirit touching your heart? Please contact Gloria Kane NOW! Contact info: kane.g@comcast.net, 615-713-9143 The mission experience in Haiti is life-changing! Those who travel there find the countryside beautiful and the people warm and friendly. Poverty is upfront and harsh. Haiti is part of God's kingdom. God's children. Look in their eyes and see. The Haiti Mission Team is praying for you to say, "YES!" To contact Fr. Andre Sylvestre, email asylvestre9@gmail.com.