New Mass and Confession Times

08-05-2018Weekly ReflectionFr. John Sims Baker

This week, I want to announce some changes in our schedule that will be rolling out in the coming weeks. Don't worry, the Sunday (and Saturday evening) Mass times are remaining the same! We will be adding to the daily Mass schedule as well as to Confession times. The routine will be for there to be two daily Masses under the new schedule.

Here goes:

  • Beginning this week on Monday, August 6 (the Feast of the Transfiguration), there will be an evening Mass at 6:00pm on Monday–Thursday.
  • Beginning on Wed, Aug 15, we will have Mass at 7:00am Monday–Friday.
  • On Fridays and Saturdays, there will be Mass at 8:15am.

Here are the new additional Confessions times:

  • Monday–Thursday at 5:00pm, before the 6:00pm Mass
  • On Sundays, we will have Confessions beginning 30 minutes before each Mass. (We will continue to have Confessions on Saturdays from 4:00pm until 5:15pm. Confessions can also be made by appointment.)

I hope that these additions to our sacramental schedule will allow for more frequent and convenient reception of the sacraments! These changes are provisional for six months so we will be reviewing the schedule at the end of January to see how the changes have affected our parish life.

Fr. John Sims Baker