Today we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi. This is the day on which we pay particular reverence to the Blessed Sacrament. Jesus comes to us and remains with us in the Blessed Sacrament. This is a wonderful gift, which we do not deserve. Jesus displays extreme humility in coming to us in the Blessed Sacrament and allowing us to come so close to Him, even to receive Him as food for our journey to our heavenly home.
The humility of Jesus should not, however, cause us to take His presence for granted! He is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, even if He appears as a piece of bread! We have the opportunity to show our love, respect, and reverence for Him in the Blessed Sacrament.
It is one of the great sorrows of my priesthood ever to see Jesus taken for granted and treated casually in the Blessed Sacrament. To treat the Blessed Sacrament casually is to betray a lack of faith that He is really present. We should prepare to receive Holy Communion with the greatest care. We should make sure that we are in a state of grace by going to confession if we are aware of mortal sin on our souls. We should prepare our bodies by fasting for an hour before receiving Holy Communion so as not to mingle this heavenly food with that which is earthly. We should acknowledge the presence of the Lord in posture and in dress. We should approach the altar and consume the Holy Eucharist with extreme devotion. Those who are entrusted with the Holy Eucharist to take to the sick need to be properly prepared and instituted, and the Blessed Sacrament should at all times be treated with complete attention and respect, carried in a pyx and burse and resting upon the heart of the minister. For this reason, we no longer distribute the Holy Eucharist to Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in the Communion Procession but rather after Mass so that there is no chance of hurry or disrespect.
Please make an examination of conscience regarding your reverence to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. If any trace of the casual has come into your practice, begin again!
Fr. Baker
Hoy celebramos la fiesta del Corpus Christi. Este es el día en el que damos especial reverencia al Santísimo Sacramento. Jesús viene a nosotros y permanece con nosotros en el Santísimo Sacramento. Este es un regalo maravilloso, que no merecemos. Jesús muestra una humildad extrema que nos está acercando en el Santísimo Sacramento y permitiéndonos acercarnos tanto a El. Incluso lo recibimos como alimento para nuestro viaje a nuestro hogar celestial.
Sin embargo, la humildad de Jesús no debe hacernos dar por olvidada Su presencia! ¡Es el Señor de los Señores y Rey de Reyes, aunque aparezca como un pedazo de pan! Tenemos la oportunidad de demostrar nuestro amor, respeto y reverencia por El en el Santísimo Sacramento.
Es una de las grandes penas de mi sacerdocio ver a Jesús dado por olvidado y tratado casualmente en el Santísimo Sacramento. Tratar al Santísimo Sacramento casualmente es traicionar la falta de fe de que está realmente presente. Debemos prepararnos para recibir la Santa Comunión con el mayor cuidado. Debemos asegurarnos de que estamos en un estado de gracia al ir a la confesión si somos conscientes del pecado mortal en nuestras almas. Debemos preparar nuestros cuerpos ayunando durante una hora antes de recibir la Santa Comunión para no mezclar este alimento celestial con lo que es terrenal. Debemos reconocer la presencia del Señor en la postura y en la vestimenta. Debemos acercarnos al altar y consumir la Santa Eucaristía con extrema devoción.
Por favor, hagan un examen de conciencia con respecto a su reverencia a Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento. Si algún rastro de lo casual ha llegado a su práctica, comience de nuevo!