I think that we can all agree that this will be a different Christmas. (There is not much that people are agreeing on right now so at least we have that!) Let's embrace the difference and find Jesus hidden in these days, as he was on the first Christmas.
The Holy Family was being tossed about by the whims of the powers of this world. They had to travel to Bethlehem for a census ordered by the Roman emperor. After Jesus' birth, they had to flee as refugees to Egypt from the terror of King Herod. It was not a "normal" time for them at all.
There are so many struggles that people are dealing with now: sickness, grief, depression, economic hardship, and uncertainties of all sorts. It will help if we remember that Jesus is with us in all of these things. He never leaves us, and he has experienced such struggles himself. This is one of the greatest joys of Christmas: God is with us. Emmanuel.
I think that we can all agree that this will be a different Christmas. (There is not much that people are agreeing on right now so at least we have that!) Let's embrace the difference and find Jesus hidden in these days, as he was on the first Christmas.
The Holy Family was being tossed about by the whims of the powers of this world. They had to travel to Bethlehem for a census ordered by the Roman emperor. After Jesus' birth, they had to flee as refugees to Egypt from the terror of King Herod. It was not a "normal" time for them at all.
There are so many struggles that people are dealing with now: sickness, grief, depression, economic hardship, and uncertainties of all sorts. It will help if we remember that Jesus is with us in all of these things. He never leaves us, and he has experienced such struggles himself. This is one of the greatest joys of Christmas: God is with us. Emmanuel.
If we open our eyes and hearts, we can see Jesus all around us in anyone who is in need. What a blessing, indeed!
Fr. Baker
Creo que todos podemos estar de acuerdo en que ésta será una Navidad diferente. (No hay mucho en lo que la gente esté de acuerdo en este momento, ¡así que al menos tenemos eso!) Aceptemos la diferencia y encontremos a Jesús escondido en estos días, como lo estuvo en la primera Navidad.
La Sagrada Familia estaba siendo sacudida por los caprichos de los poderosos de este mundo. Tuvieron que viajar a Belén para un censo ordenado por el emperador romano. Después del nacimiento de Jesús, tuvieron que huir como refugiados a Egipto del terror del rey Herodes. No era un momento "normal" para ellos en absoluto.
Hay tantas luchas con las que la gente está lidiando ahora: enfermedad, dolor, depresión, dificultades económicas e incertidumbres de todo tipo. Ayudará si recordamos que Jesús está con nosotros en todas estas cosas. Él nunca nos deja, y él mismo ha experimentado tales luchas. Éste es uno de los mayores gozos de la Navidad: Dios está con nosotros. Emmanuel.
Si abrimos nuestros ojos y corazones, podemos ver a Jesús a nuestro alrededor en cualquier persona que esté en necesidad. ¡Qué bendición, en verdad!
El p. Baker