This spring we presented our comprehensive campus plan to various stakeholders and parishioners, outlining the funding requirements and interim milestones for each major phase of the program. While contributions have been steady, they have not reached the level necessary for the major projects needed. We hope parishioners will recognize the importance of having adequate facilities for present and future needs, as did the visionaries that previously laid the foundation of our present campus.
We have received approval from the diocese to enter into a design contract with Bauer Askew Architects for the design of a new Marian Center. Fr. Chris and Saint Rose senior staff met with Tom Bauer on June 27 to review concept renderings of the new facility. These renderings will be available to the parish for viewing in the coming weeks. Wiser Consultants have been engaged to develop parking and utility plans for the new Marian Center. These plans will also be displayed alongside the Marian Center renderings.
Steve James has been engaged to prepare concept drawings for a storage building on the 1522 Stonewall property. These drawings should be ready for display next month.
Gresham Smith has completed the site investigation for a new ball field and soccer/football field. A concept layout will be on display in the Narthex starting July 6. We are tentatively set to meet with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation in early August as we will need to impact a small section of wetland to develop our campus properly.
For previous activities, please refer to past bulletins, the Narthex bulletin board and the church website.