Dear Fellow Disciples, peace.
Jesus was a victim of a lot of prejudice by his countrymen. His good news of the Kingdom was met with suspicion and questioning. This attitude has its origin in their knowledge of Jesus' origin. They knew his town, his family, his profession. Coming from humble beginnings was a stumbling block for them to believe and trust in his teachings. He taught them as someone who had authority. The miracles which accompanied his teaching also brought prejudice and suspicion. His challenging attitude towards them and the signs shocked them and they rejected him.
At the root of their prejudice, especially of the leadership of Nazareth, there was a double mistake. First they thought that God chooses only people of high social and religious positions. People with a vast cultural baggage, whose masters were well known and renowned. Secondly refers to a certain inferiority complex which excluded the possibility of someone like them to be chosen as a prophet. They could not believe that someone who shared their humble origin could speak in the name of God and work miracles.
The experience of the old prophets permitted Jesus to understand what was going on in them. That's why He was not intimidated. Rather, He went on fulfilling the mission entrusted to him by the Father.
Sometimes and for different reasons people today have the same attitude towards God, the Church and religion. We as disciples of Jesus, who strive to be His presence and to do His work in today's world are more than ever called to be truthful and compassionate at the same time. We are encouraged by the example of Jesus to carry on our mission entrusted to us by Him and to not let prejudice, ours or the other's, to freeze us.
May the Holy Spirit keep urging us forward in this mission.
God bless.
Fr. Chris