Catholic Men's Group

Add Sat, Oct 19 @ 6:00 AM

All men of the parish and community are welcome. Fathers are encouraged to bring their sons. Sons, bring your fathers. Men, bring your friends and brothers. There are 8 sessions. We will meet Saturdays, Sep 7 - Nov 2 (no meeting on Oct 2).

In this series, "Why We Believe: Answering Common Questions about the Catholic Faith", Dr. Brant Pitre takes up the most commonly asked questions about the Catholic faith and provides clear and compelling biblical answers.

Our Sessions begin at 6:00am with coffee, donuts, fruit, juice and conversation with the video beginning at 6:30am. We then break into small groups for further discussion on the topic presented during that session. Please consider joining us as we explore one of the greatest expressions of our faith.

For more information, contact Bill Strebel at 615-804-1050.