Everything Matters

09-29-2019Weekly ReflectionFr. John Sims Baker

Dear Parishioners of Saint Rose,

This letter is meant to strengthen our understanding of stewardship and our reason for sacrificial giving. This fall, we are having a series of homilies on stewardship in connection with an appeal to support and to become more involved in the parish. These homilies will be posted on the parish website, as well as preached at Mass. In response, I ask as your pastor for you to make a commitment to regular participation in the parish, including financial support.

Everything that we are and have comes to us from God through His Son, Jesus Christ, who is God in the flesh. Please reflect with me these weeks on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ in our daily lives. He shares His life with us. We are called to share our lives with Him. We commit to worship God every Sunday at Mass, to work, to pray, and to give for the spread of His Kingdom. The Scriptural guidance for the Church is, "You shall love the Lord your God and your neighbor with all your heart." And, "Seek first the Kingdom of God." The material well-being of the Church is therefore not something that we can leave to others.

When you make a pledge, consider what you can give back to God in prayerful attention, in loving service, and in cheerful giving. Consider seriously that Scripture names a Tithe (one tenth of our income) as a guide for sacrificial giving to God. Your pledging in prayer, service, and financial support can be a matter of virtue binding you more closely to the Church, which cannot be separated from Jesus Himself: both as His Mystical Body and His Bride.

Faithfully, Fr. Baker

Be sure to complete your 2019 Stewardship Commitment Form. They are available in the Church narthex and the Church office.

Todo es Importante

El problema con el hombre rico en el Evangelio de hoy no era que él fuera rico. Eso facilitaría la lección y se aplicaría solo a los ricos. El problema del rico era que no se dio cuenta del pobre Lázaro en su puerta. El gozo y el egoísmo son las razones por las que el hombre rico terminó en tormento. Esta lección es mucho más desafiante y se aplica a todos nosotros. Todos luchamos con el gozo y el egoísmo. El hombre rico vivía como si lo que hacía con su vida, incluidas sus riquezas, no importara y solo gozaba de la vida. En otras palabras, fue un pobre administrador de lo que le habían dado.

Lo que hacemos con nuestros dones es importante. ¿Usamos nuestros dones para hacer la obra de Dios y para hacer el bien a los demás? Es decir, ¿somos buenos administradores? ¡El Evangelio de hoy dice que nuestro destino eterno depende de ello! Cada aspecto de la vida importa. Dios quiere que el mundo sea bendecido a través de nuestra bondad y generosidad. En lugar de sentirnos autosuficientes y ser egoístas, estamos llamados a ser conscientes y generosos.


el P. Baker