I can hear the question: “So what do we do now?” I am glad that you asked because it brings me back to my favorite answer: PRAY! I can hear the next question: “How?” OK – here are some suggestions.
READ MOREI think that I need to write today about a grave situation in the Church in our country and even in the world. I do so with some hesitation because I do not wish to disturb the peace of those who are not aware of this situation. Yet, I know that a number of parishioners have deep concerns that I need to address. I also want to discuss this situation prudently as it concerns sensitive matters.
READ MOREPraised be Jesus Christ! I thank God, and I thank you for the wonderful weekend of prayer and reconciliation we celebrated in the parish last weekend. You all kept Jesus company all day Saturday and Sunday afternoon in times of loving communion and conversation with Him. And you kept me in the confessional practically all day long on Saturday, and again with Fr. Joe's help on Sunday afternoon. Praise Him!
READ MOREThis week, I want to announce some changes in our schedule that will be rolling out in the coming weeks. Don't worry, the Sunday (and Saturday evening) Mass times are remaining the same! We will be adding to the daily Mass schedule as well as to Confession times. The routine will be for there to be two daily Masses under the new schedule.