Marian Center

07-24-2024Campaign Progress

As stated in the June 16 bulletin, the decision was made and approved by the Parish Council, to build a new structure to replace the current Marian Center building. The assessment concluded that space is desperately needed to accommodate present and future needs for a growing parish and school.

The picture shows the revised interior of the new building. The new Marian Center will serve as a meeting space for large groups (50 or more people), as well as housing the Backpack and Bridge ministries, and the Food Pantry. Final design concepts of the exterior of the building are currently in progress with Bauer Askew Architects. These renderings will be available to the parish for viewing in the coming weeks.


To Serve Tirelessly

07-21-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, peace.

The four versions of the Gospels relate that Jesus was continuously serving, never tired, always surrounded by people in some kind of need. Even when He would search for a quiet place to rest with his disciples, people would find it out and press them to serve. Today's Gospel passage shows how Jesus deals with those in need. His words are full of wisdom and his willingness to serve attracted and fascinated them.


To Proclaim Conversion

07-14-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, peace.

Jesus sends the disciples two by two, with the task to proclaim conversion. For the Kingdom of God requires conversion, metanoia, radical change of course, of mentality, so that our entire life would be conformed with God.

They are to stay in the same house. To stay is a verb very dear to Jesus especially in John's Gospel version. To stay often means to be fully present to the reality in which He is brought.


Pathway to Progress: July update

07-07-2024Campaign Progress

This spring we presented our comprehensive campus plan to various stakeholders and parishioners, outlining the funding requirements and interim milestones for each major phase of the program. While contributions have been steady, they have not reached the level necessary for the major projects needed. We hope parishioners will recognize the importance of having adequate facilities for present and future needs, as did the visionaries that previously laid the foundation of our present campus.


Prejudice Blocks Faith

07-07-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, peace.

Jesus was a victim of a lot of prejudice by his countrymen. His good news of the Kingdom was met with suspicion and questioning. This attitude has its origin in their knowledge of Jesus' origin. They knew his town, his family, his profession. Coming from humble beginnings was a stumbling block for them to believe and trust in his teachings. He taught them as someone who had authority. The miracles which accompanied his teaching also brought prejudice and suspicion. His challenging attitude towards them and the signs shocked them and they rejected him.