The Baptism Of Our Lord

01-12-2025Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

This is my beloved son! You are my beloved child!

Today, we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord, a moment that marks the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. As Jesus humbly steps into the waters of the Jordan, He aligns Himself with sinners, not because He needed repentance, but to show solidarity with humanity and to fulfill God’s plan of salvation. In this moment, the heavens open, and the Father proclaims, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). The Holy Spirit descends like a dove, affirming Jesus’ identity and mission. This powerful scene reveals the fullness of the Trinity and reminds us of our own baptism, where we, too, are claimed as beloved children of God.


Jesus, The Light for All Nations

01-05-2025Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, peace

Today, we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord, the manifestation of Jesus to the nations. The visit of the Magi reminds us that Jesus came not just for Israel but for all humanity. The star that guided the wise men symbolizes the light of Christ that reaches every corner of the world.