The Greatest Commandment

10-29-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, peace.

The question raised by the doctor of the law tries to lead Jesus to take a stand concerning the rabbinic schools of the time. There were very strict rabbis who would easily find a new precept of the law to be turned into a commandment. This way they multiply the requirements for the faithful, making religion a burden. Other rabbis were soft and condescending, interpreting the law in such a politically correct way that it would become obsolete and irrelevant, making religion meaningless.


Caesar or God

10-22-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, peace.

The treacherous question posed to Jesus by the disciples of the Pharisees along with the partisans of the Herodians is hiding a dimension that often stays hidden. The payment of taxes to the emperor goes beyond the submission to an oppressive power from which everyone wants to be set free, including the Pharisees. They knew very well the weight of iniquity that the occupation of the Romans was imposing on them.


Pathway to Progress: Designers Chosen

10-22-2023Campaign ProgressWayne Overman

Since the last update, the ONE Building Committee met with Bill Heyer, the architect of the 2020 Master Plan. He provided us with some enhancements to better utilize the campus overall and make room for potential expansion, if needed. The building committee is currently working through these ideas and hopes to be ready to present an updated Master Plan in the next several weeks.


The Proper Garment

10-15-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, peace.

Today's parable calls attention to one possibility in Christian discipleship: discipleship does not depend on worldly status. The fake discipleship shows the externalities, and appearances but is shallow in commitment to conversion and holiness. The rash way in which the improperly dressed individual was treated is a warning. Whoever welcomes and accepts the Kingdom of God and its call to conversion and holiness, in faithful discipleship, must live a life that reflects it. What about the disciple who is selfish, merciless, biased, racist, unjust, or proud? His life betrays what he says he believes.


Fr. Chris' Update on the Capital Campaign

10-08-2023Campaign Progress

For almost 100 years, Saint Rose of Lima has been striving to make a significant impact in the lives of our parishioners, students and the surrounding community through prayer, service, celebration and fellowship. Our parish has changed over the years but has stayed true to our core mission to be the place of encounter with the fullness of Christ in this community. Because growth over the last several years had been substantial and did not show any signs of slowing down, the parish began making plans to expand our facilities. In 2020, we developed a Master Plan to provide more space for our ministries and creating a campus that enables us to carry out our essential mission.


A People who Produce Much Fruit

10-08-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, peace.

Jesus often is confronted with the hardness of heart of many of his listeners. He identifies in their behavior traces of that same hardness of heart present in the history of the people of Israel. They are a people to whom God manifests His love, care, and mercy and yet are incapable of giving back such love, care, and mercy to God and to others.


Two Opposite Attitudes

10-01-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, peace.

The arrogant attitude of some religious authorities was always a target in Jesus' preaching. In fact, The high priests and the elders were often criticized by Him. He would always reveal their behavior and their apparent faithfulness which was just a hidden denial of God's will and ways.

The parable of the two sons illustrates two contrasting ways of aligning (conforming) oneself to God's will. The high priests and elders correspond to those who say 'yes' but refuse to obey. Representing those who are lip worshipers, who practice a false religion of appearances and exterior practices only.