The Blessed

01-29-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples,

The sermon on the mount begins with the beatitudes. Jesus presents different forms for a disciple to be blessed in relation with God’s Kingdom. These forms illustrate the way the disciple lets himself be guided by the values of the kingdom, not by a specific virtue of the kingdom. 


He Stood for the Truth and Paid the Consequences!

01-22-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples,

John the Baptist, sent to prepare the way of the Lord, seals his mission with his own blood, the ultimate sacrifice. In a god-forsaken region, the Galilee of the gentiles, where adultery wasn't a big deal, he stood for the truth about marriage ("It is not lawful for you to marry your brother's wife").


The Lamb of God

01-15-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, peace.

Presenting Jesus as the "Lamb of God", John the Baptist calls attention to an event in the past. The people of God, when about to be set free from slavery in Egypt, get orders to slaughter a lamb and to use its blood to mark the doors of their houses to be spared by the angel of death. Jesus' mission is to "take away the sin of the world". His blood poured out from the cross will brings salvation to those who accept to be marked with it.


We Came to Adore Him

01-08-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow disciples,

Epiphany in Greek means manifestation. The unknown makes itself', himself known. Manifests himself. The epiphany of Jesus means his acknowledgement by a group of "unknown" people who, guided by a star, come from faraway to adore Him.

They searched for the newborn "king of the Jews", but found a poor and fragile baby.


Mary, the Holy Mother of God

01-01-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear fellow disciples, peace, peace, peace!

Since 431 A.D (Council of Ephesus) the Church believes, proclaims, declares and celebrates Mary as the Theotokos, the bearer of God or the Mother of God. In fact in declaring the divinity of Christ, as God, it was just fitting to admit that Mary is, as a consequence of Him, the Mother of God.

The blessing that God gives to Moses to bless the Israelites takes form and flesh in the person of Mary, the kecharitomene, the full of grace and blessed among women. The one chosen from David’s house and descendents to be the bearer of the author of all grace. The one who waited the fullness of time to see the fulfillment of all prophecies about the Messiah. Not knowing that she would play a crucial role in the economy of salvation.


The Nativity of The Lord

12-25-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples,

“Behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all people. For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Christ and Lord” (Luke 2:10-11). These words of the angel to the shepherds on the night of the Nativity are, as the angel said, “for all people,” including us. They bring us joy and hope. God entered our history. He became Emmanuel, God-with-us (cf. Isaiah 7:14). “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14).


4th Sunday of Advent

12-18-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Javier Suarez

These holidays are sometimes a bit difficult for many of us, either due to loneliness, illness, family problems or because we are far from home. However, these are days to rejoice not in the things of the world, but in the hope of the Lord who is coming. In the psalm we say today, Let the Lord enter, he is King of Glory! He is the one who comes on these holidays to brighten up our lives. The Emmanuel that saves.


The One who is to come

12-11-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, peace.

The way Jesus ministered left John the Baptist a bit confused. It was quite far from the apocalyptic schemes preached by the Baptizer. From there comes the doubt regarding the connection between his words and actions. That's why John sends his disciples to Jesus to be certain of this messianic identity.


Fruits of Conversion

12-04-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow disciples, peace.

The preaching of John the Baptist focused on the theme of conversion. The Greek word metanoia points towards a profound change in the life of a person, way beyond feelings and passing emotions. It has to do with a process in which selfishness gives place to love, hatred is conquered by forgiveness, and solidarity becomes an imperative. Love, forgiveness and solidarity then becomes the mark by which the converted person is known. Conversion shown only by nice words and good intentions is fake! It is not sufficient for those who wish to welcome the Messiah.


1st Sunday of Advent

11-27-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Javier Suarez

We begin this season of advent with the hope of the birth of the messiah. During the next four weeks the liturgy of the church will prepare us for the celebration of Christmas, the coming of Christ into the world.

On this first Sunday of Advent, the church invites us to reflect not only on the coming of Christ on Christmas, but also calls us to prepare for his second coming, the final judgment. We have to be alert and vigilant because we will not know the hour or the day that the Lord will return.


Human to the End

11-20-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear fellow disciples, peace.

The humanity of Jesus was provoked until the end. Hanging on the cross He was a victim of bullying and abuse, insults and infamous accusations, but He stayed firm in His purpose. He even had words of forgiveness for a fellow crucified man who recognized Him as the King announced by the prophets. That man, by saying "Remember when you come into your kingdom", recognized a royalty of the King who passed through the cross. A King whose throne is the cross and whose crowd is made of thorns. "Today you will be with me in paradise" is the answer and recompense for such faith and trust.


Saved through Perseverance

11-13-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear fellow disciples, peace.

The primitive christian communities lived in the context and the pressure of false alarms regarding the end of time. This instability started to discourage them in the practice of good works because fear paralyzed their life of gospel values.

Jesus calls their attention to the opportunity to witness the faith, not worrying too much about false alarms. He assures that in every situation the early church would have the possibility to experience God's care and protection. The Father would give to them the necessary strength not to be intimidated and not to give in to the attacks of their adversaries.


God of the Living

11-06-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear fellow disciples, peace.

The sect of the Sadducee was a fundamentalist group who denied the resurrection, as they disregarded the Law of Moses. In fact, the understanding of the destiny of humanity after death had been the subject of a long reflection. It was thought then that all, good and bad, had the same destiny, the Sheol. A place in the heart of the earth, where people would live in darkness.