The Transfiguration

02-25-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, peace.

The contemplation of Jesus' transfiguration, during our Lenten journey, has a very precise reason. It is given to us to contemplate the Son who in a short time we will contemplate hanging on the cross. On Calvary, if we don't pay close attention, we can think of him as cursed by the Father, as his enemies would think and expect. Or as a disqualified criminal as the Romans would see and think about the crucified.


The Tempter is Conquered

02-18-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, peace.

The tempter's focus was always to detract Jesus from his mission. He knew that getting Jesus to question his condition as Son of God, he could push him away from the mission of restoring the communion between God and humanity. What he didn't know was that Jesus would never give in. He would never disobey the Father, because being one with the Father and the Holy Spirit, the plan and mission were also created and decided by him.


The Solidarity of the Master

02-11-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, peace.

Jesus teaches solidarity with concrete actions, not with abstract discourses. It was up to the disciples to assimilate the message to practice it later.

The scene of the leper is typical in Jesus' life. The man on his knees declares, "If you want I can be cleaned!". This gives Jesus the chance to make public the desire he has in his heart. Jesus' desire is unanticipated by the leper's declaration. For in fact, Jesus desires to heal everyone from all their infirmities and doing so give back to them the joy of life.


A Day in the Life of the Master

02-04-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, peace.

Jesus' ministry is geared to spread goodness. His exhausting journeys and working days were marked by his service to those in need. That was one of many ways he attracted people. He was always available, and with compassion would attend to each and every one looking for his help. He refuses any temptation to return to a place and for a time for himself apart from his prayer time.


The Holy One of God

01-28-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, peace.

The evangelist uses the voice of a man with an unclean spirit to identify who Jesus is most accurately, The Holy One of God! This expression synthesizes the identity of the Master in the most peculiar way. Holiness was a mark of Jesus' ministry and proximity with God, the Holy par excellence. Jesus is Holy because He is God with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Also because in His life and heart there was no space for selfishness, nor did it influence His actions.


Let the Mission Begin

01-21-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, peace.

Jesus' mission begins when John the Baptist is arrested. His ministry wasn't parallel nor in competition with John's. Neither was Jesus' ministry the continuation of John's ministry. It was something totally different. The messianic vision of Jesus left aside the preaching of the Baptist and followed its own pattern.


They Went and Saw

01-14-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, peace.

We are starting again at ordinary time and right away, we are in front of an invitation from Jesus, "Come and See". The disciples of John went and saw where Jesus lived and what kind of rabbi he was. They stayed with Him. What did they see? Or what did they want to see? Was it just curiosity on their part? For the master Jesus was a pilgrim, with no housing nor means.


God is Faithful

12-31-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, peace.

One of the most important characteristics of the Holy Family of Nazareth was God's faithfulness present in their midst. It was through God's faithfulness that Jesus, Mary and Joseph faced and conquered all adversities and did not give up. The Holy Family is an inspirational model for all the families of Jesus' disciples, our families.



12-25-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, MERRY CHRISTMAS! Today in the city of David, the savior is born!

The first ones to welcome Him were the shepherds in the periphery of Bethlehem. They were discriminated against and unwelcomed by everyone because their flock represented a threat to the farmers.


Mary, the Blessed One

12-23-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, Ave!

The Angel's greeting calls attention to a fundamental aspect of the person of Mary in the economy of salvation. Kecharitomene, full of God's grace. To be blessed, kecharitomene, has great importance if and because it is connected with her mission, given by God. The Father counted on her to be the mother of the Holy One, His Son. For that reason, He has prepared her since the day of her conception.


The Identity of the Baptist

12-17-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, Rejoice in the Lord!

The identity of John the Baptist was not understood right away by the disciples of Jesus. They started to see that his preaching, along with the austerity of his life, had several similarities with the prophet Elijah.


The Way of the Lord

12-10-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes

Dear Fellow Disciples, let us say "Maranatha"!

The "way" is a constant theme in the Bible. The historical tradition was the way leading out of the land of oppression - Egypt - to the land of brotherhood, through which milk and honey flow, the Promised Land. The sapiential (wisdom) tradition speaks of the way of life, referring to the choice of good and truth, instead of the way of death, impiety, and perversion.


The Responsibility of the Servants

12-03-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Chris Nunes


The metaphor of the master and the servants marks the spirit of Advent. In fact, this liturgical season focuses on the waiting of the Lord.

On one hand, the Lord has already come historically in the event of the incarnation of the word in Jesus of Nazareth. On the other He comes constantly and makes himself present in the life of each disciple of the Kingdom, calling him to solidarity and brotherly love.