Dear Fellow Disciples, peace.
The parables of today's Gospel illustrate different paths leading to discipleship in the kingdom of God (or... of Heaven, as Matthew likes to call it).
The metaphor of the found treasure shows the kingdom flourishing within someone who welcomes it. Even though with no preparation, almost in a hurry. In a short time, the person passes through a conversion experience, touched by faith, leaving behind sin and vices.
READ MOREDear Fellow Disciples, peace.
Jesus warned us about the influence of evil in our lives. It is naive to think that we are free from the attacks of the forces of the anti- Kingdom, anti-God, anti-Church. Even worse is to convince ourselves and others that the devil doesn't exist. This is what he wants in order to deceive more, confuse more, destroy more. God's enemy, and ours, aims to neutralize the work of God in the world and our lives.
READ MOREDear Fellow Disciples, peace.
The parable of the sower calls attention to some important points on the missionary work of the disciples. Their work is to sow, not worry about the harvest. They need to reach out to as many people as possible.
READ MOREDear Fellow Disciples, peace.
In the time of Jesus, many scribes gave too much importance to themselves. They seemed to feel superior as compared to others, as if they had some religious knowledge unattainable by others. They saw themselves closer to God more than their fellow men and held the knowledge of God’s will.
READ MOREDear Fellow disciples, peace.
This Sunday’s Gospel reports maybe the hardest demand of Jesus to his disciples. He must be at the center, first place, in the life of each disciple.
To love Jesus implies having Him and His gospel at the center of our existence as the motor that gives strength and life to everything. It is to take all choices and decisions having in mind our sense of belonging to Him. He will become the source and the light of every step we make and every breath we take. There is no compromise! Our other loves must stay behind His. Otherwise, it will not be true love.
READ MOREDear Fellow Disciples, peace.
There will always be forces against the building up of the Kingdom of God in this world. Those forces will try to misguide, deviate and deceive the disciples of Jesus. Those called by Him to build the kingdom here and now. The disciples will be faced with a hard price to pay for staying faithful to God.
Their courage comes from the sure hope that their life is in God's hands. For this reason, there is nothing to fear, not even these diabolical forces. They know that nothing happens in their life that is not controlled and permitted by God.
READ MOREDear Fellow Disciples, peace.
Jesus used the metaphor of the harvest and the laborers as a way to talk about the need to have co-workers, collaborators in the mission. It is just too much work to be done just by one person. Those available to help are few. Hence the need to recruit a group so that the harvest will not go into waste.
Applied to the disciples, this metaphor shows the importance of the mission of proclaiming the Gospel to all peoples, following Jesus' footsteps. Without the disciples it would not be possible to reach all humanity, as the Father wishes it.
READ MOREDear Fellow Disciples, peace.
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ presents two essential elements for Christian discipleship. On one side it presents the faith and the reality of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharistic species and on the other these Eucharistic species, the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ, offered to the disciple as food for the journey.
READ MORESince the One Faith, One Family, One Parish Capital Campaign kicked off one month ago, our efforts have started to produce fruit. Our kick-off event and donations over that weekend produced $32,069. We have received an additional $48,500 from the initial efforts of our volunteers. Combined with $532,816 already reserved for our campaign, we have raised $613,385 towards our efforts. This means we have almost reached our goal for Phase One construction outlined in the case statement.
READ MOREDear Fellow Disciples, peace.
The Holy Spirit is the divine force (dunamis according to the Fathers of the Church) working in the life of the disciples of Jesus, in light of their mission. He manifested himself as the Spirit of courage, permitting the apostles to go forward; a Spirit of Wisdom who will empower them to speak boldly about the kingdom of God, in such a way to convince those who oppose it; a Spirit of discernment who will allow the to recognize and discern the way to go, the decision to make, and the time to act; a Spirit of Obedience, who will move them to submit to the Will of the Father, in all things and always, as Jesus, their master does, knowing that he will lead them to the Father. It all was true to them and is true to us, today's disciples.
READ MOREDear Fellow Disciples, peace.
The Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord marks the return of Jesus to the right hand of the Father and the beginning of His disciples' mission. "Go and make disciples!" is imperative for the apostles and disciples who are sent to continue the ministry of their Master.
READ MOREDear Fellow Disciples, peace!
The disciples of Jesus are never alone, especially when facing persecution.
Jesus promised the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete. In Greek "paraclete' can mean "counselor" in the context of those persecuted or afflicted by disappointment and who want to give up their call and mission. The Holy Spirit is poured out as a companion and also a strength to move the disciples forward. I'm pretty sure that is the same Holy Spirit who is pushing us as disciples of Jesus, as a parish and school to move forward.
READ MOREDear Fellow Disciples, peace.
After finalizing all of the intensive preparation, we officially kick off our One Faith, One Family, One Parish: Building our Future in Christ Capital Campaign this weekend!